eda 2001
1. european conference
European Digital Architecture 
Architecture and Information Technologies
20.-22.09.2001 Prague, czech republic

Under Auspice  of

Pavel Dostal
Ministry of Culture
 Czech republic

Jan Kasl
City of Prague

UNESCO representative: Brigitte Colin
UIA representative: Andreas G. Hempel

organize by

European Center for Architecture & Information Technologies 
European Academy of Architecture 
International Academy of Architecture
Czech Association for Geoinformation

Committee of Honour

 Pavel Dostal
Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic

Ing. arch. Jan Kasl
Mayor of the  City of Prague 

Brigitte Colin

Andreas G. Hempel
UIA - I. vicepresident UIA

Honour Guests

Dostal Pavel, Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic
Andreas Hempel, UIA - I. vice-president UIA, Germany
Stanislav Jáně, Nemetschek, Czech Republic
Jan Kasl, Mayor of Prague, Czech Republic, 
Christopher  Midura, USA

 Jiří Novák, EGS, Czech Republic
Thomas Schwendner, Nemetschek, Germany
Tomáš Staněk, Bentley, Czech Republic
Josef Švenda, Autodesk, Czech Republic
Volker Thein, Bentley
Joerg Winzenhoeller, Autodesk,

Organizing Committee

Bohumil  Fanta, Czech Republic
Manfredi  Nicoletti, Italy
Zdravko Rusev,  organizing Director
Brian Spencer, USA

ISBN: 978-80-87159-19-4
Agenda eda 2001

Opening conference

Mr. Pavel Dostal, Minister of Culture Czech Republic
letter of Mr. Pavel Dostal (reading by Roman Musil)

Mr. Ing. arch. Jan Kasl, Mayor of Prague - Czech republic 
letter of Mr. Jan Kasl (reading by Zdravko Rusev)

Mrs. Brigitte Colin, UNESCO representative
letter of Mrs. Brigitte Colin (reading by Zdravko Rusev)

Mr.  Andreas G. Hempel, - UIA representative

UIA Berlin - 2002","Ideologies and Ideas in the urban planning of a Capital.
Andreas G. Hempel
Berlin Germany

Bentley technology for A/E/C/O environment
Volker Thein - Tomáš Staněk
Bentley special guests

The Vienna Digital Map, a digital tool for urban planning
Andreas Zöchling
Vienna Austria

The Internet - How to position capital cities on the European NET
Paul Drewe
Delft  The Netherlands

Instant Data For Planning From The Airborne Mapping System
Jiří Novák
Brno Czech Republic

Planning Under Ground
Inge Schiller, Peter Ferschin
Vienna Austria

"Modeling expert systems in architectural design with development expert system - EXPERT-TGE"
András Sütö
Budapest Hungary

Silver Mirror Diploma 2000 - Nemetschek BG - Nemetschek CZ

Thomas Schwendner
Director AEC - SD  Nemetschek - Europe, Middle East & Africa
Stanislav Jáně
director Nemetschek CZ
Zdravko Rusev
president of  IAA

Second session

Berlin - Ideologies and Ideas in the urban planning of a Capital - second part 
Andreas G. Hempel
Berlin Germany

The Autodesk AEC strategy. New technologies for architects. Examples of reference account project
Joerg Winzenhoeller
Autodesk Europe
special guest 

"The Case of 3D"
Thomas Schwendner
 Nemetschek Europe
 special guest 

Internet-based presentation of architectural design
Jan Viktorin, Hana Koutna
Brno Czech Republic

To Discover is to SEE, Education in the Digital Age
Dean Bryant Vollendorf
Nord Carolina USA

Real and virtual space integration in field of architecture
Zdeněk Havelka
Czech Republic

Virtual and digital cities
Rodrigo Firmino
Newcastle upon Tyne - U.K.

Visiting the "10 Century Architecture" exhibition - Prague Hradcany




Organizing and program director of the conference: 
 Ing. arch. Zdravko Rusev, CSc., prof. IAA
 E-mail:  eaaeuroarch.eu
©2001 Zdravko Rusev - EUROARCH All right reserved